Underground Gutter Drainage Solutions in Leavenworth/Lansing

We provide ways to improve drainage around your home by constructing underground drains and piping.  We can construct these for gutter downspouts, sump pump discharge pipes and low areas in your lawn.

Channeling water away from your home and landscape is important because it can collect against your foundation and seep into your basement.  This can cause major frustration and costly repairs.

Gallery of Before and After 

Routed the gutter on the left over the footing and underground to get away from the house, filled in the low areas.

Corner areas almost as if never there!

Another view of the corner gutter tee in

Tied the corner gutter that was eroding under the stairs into the first gutter.

Another view of the Rock insalled and new grass

The graded area where the pipe is installed and where the found had eroded.

After seed germination, Rock erosion prevention is installed.

Freshly seeded, Rock erosion prevention installed.

The exit point for the gutters away from the house.